Saturday, April 7, 2012

Team Mayhem

Because we stayed in the hiker hostel the same night and we were on the same shuttle in the morning, i started hiking with the Germans (Daniel and Socks) in Amicalola State Park. They speak German to each other a lot, but i don't really feel left out; I kind of like to let the energy of conversation wash over me and not feel obligated to contribute just because I'm sitting in close proximity.

Daniel is like 17 and is hiking in the US while he is waiting to hear if he got accepted to any of the universities he applied to. Although we kept pace with each other on day one, subsequent days proved his physical and cardiovascuar fitness to be superior to mine, as each day i found myself pulling into lunch breaks and shelters a minute or two farther behind than on the previous day. We have chosen the same camp every night so far, and although quiet, his warm smile makes for good company.

Socks is a total doll, she is always smiling and has mastered the use of the word 'yes' in place of just about any other word to make herself understood. She fixed up my feet really nicely after my warm shower in Neel Gap a few days ago.

We picked up three more hikers at Stover Creek Shelter, and team mayhem was born. Other members include John from Caifornia who adds jokes and laughs to every situation, Adam from Connecticut who is super generous and a slow walker like me, and Papa Bear (Tom in real life) who shows us all neat tricks and keeps us all in line. The Sherpas have joined us off and on too (more on them, later).

All of us but Socks camped at the Gooch Shelter and the whole gang was reunited at Lance Creek for a night. We hiked most of the past few days together, but Papa Bear moved on after Neel Gap. It was sad to see him go. The rest of us got a hot shower and doctored our feet before we moved on.

We were in Neel Gap a little over an hour before the rain set in, making us happy we had chosen to stay the night in the hostel. We have had fair weather for the most part (more on that later), and so far my feet have fared better in my new insoles (thank you nice sales rep at Neel Gap. Super feet live up to their name!).

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