Sunday, July 1, 2012


I don't know what the highs have been the last couple days, but I do know that it's been EXTREMELY HOT!

When you splash down your whole body in a stream and achieve only a few seconds relief, when you are drenched in sweat while standing still at 8AM, when you sweat from all the awkward parts of your body you didn't know had sweat glands (such as neck, bottom of chin, top of shoulders, behind ears etc.), and when you consume 6 liters of water before lunch time, YOU KNOW IT'S REALLY F'ING HOT!!!

Sometimes I miss air conditioning and ice cubes in my drink, but then I rinse off a cold creek, take a mid-day siesta in my hammock and I'm reminded of just how much I love life on the Appalachian Trail.

I'm not sure if you can see it in the photo, but I'm dripping as I take a breather about 18mi South of Harper's Ferry, WV.

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